Anna Jung Seo

oil on canvas, signed verso

11.02 × 8.67 in (27.99 × 22.02 cm)

Anna Jung Seo on Reflection, 2020:

This painting is loosely based upon a memory of two staff in a restaurant in East London. Two staff seem to be starting their relationship from my observation (maybe I’m wrong). They didn’t work diligently, compared to the other staff. Near them, there was a cat sleeping on a sack of flour or potato. Next day, I made some drawings about this from memory and developed it into a painting. I was curious about what the feeling of love, passion or coup de foudre is. Can it be stable, or changeable? Then is it morally wrong, or an irresponsible behaviour? Is this so-called long-lasting love, a legend? This questioning about human nature and overwhelmed freedom of love, brings another couple on the right side as a contrast of the later stage of love. Two couples may be a reflection of the time gap, while the reflection of the cat is an imaginative one. Reflection is not real, and untouchable, as if love cannot be held firmly inside our hand. Maybe, is the feeling of love vague and ephemeral, but still clear and intense like a clear reflection?