Here is the irony, Indigenous people and slaves fled south into Mexico to untether the lash of post-colonial America. Today, thousands abandon the authoritarian rule, gang violence, and failed civil wars; to make their way north with the hope of gaining entry into America. An America built on the backs of slaves, indentured servitude, and, most importantly, beneath the boots of capitalist oppression - a festering virus still in command and unwilling to share its wealth.
IXTEPEC, Mexico – The train is known as "The Beast" is once again rumbling through the night loaded with people headed toward the U.S. border after a raid on a migrant caravan threatened to end the practice of massive highway marches through Mexico.
A long freight train loaded with about 300 to 400 migrants pulled out of the southern city of Ixtepec on Tuesday. They sat atop rattling boxcars and clung precariously to ladders alongside the clanking couplings.
Most were young men, along with a few dozen women and children. Mothers clambered up the railings clutching their infants. Migrants displayed a Honduran flag from atop the train.
The train known in Spanish as "La Bestia," which runs from the southern border state of Chiapas into neighboring Oaxaca and north into Gulf coast state Veracruz, carried migrants north for decades, despite its notorious dangers: People died or lost limbs falling from the train.